Criteria of NEPRA for monthly fuel adjustment

May 20, 2016: According to the information made available to the National Assembly as part of the question & answer session, the criteria for fuel charges adjustment at present is as under:

Formula is determined in the annual tariff determination of DISCOs to the following effect:

Actual variation in fuel cost component against the reference fuel cost component for the corresponding months will be determined according to the following formula:

Fuel Price variation = Actual Fuel Cost Component - Reference Fuel Cost Component


- Fuel Price variation is the difference between actual and reference
fuel cost component
- Actual fuel cost component is the fuel cost component in the pool
price on which the DISCOs will he charged by CPPA-G in a particular
- Reference fuel cost component is the fuel cost component for the
corresponding month projected for the purpose of tariff determination;

Note: The above information is based on the question & answer sessions of the National Assembly of Pakistan. Please visit the official website of the National Assembly for details. The original Q&A document, publsihed by the National Assembly, is also given below.

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