List of MySQL Technical Specifications

List of MySQL Technical Specifications

OLTP and Transactions

- ACID Transactions
- Commit, Rollback
- Foreign Keys
- Referential Integrity
- Row-level Locking
- Customizable Lock Isolation Levels
- Distributed Transactions (XA)
- Snapshot
- Repeatable Reads (readers don’t block writers and vice-versa)
- Timed Deadlock Detection

Web Application Optimized features

- Server-side Thread Pool
- Connection Thread Caching
- Query Results Caching
- Load Balancing
- Prepared Statements
- Full Text Search
- Multiple Character Sets
- Geospatial Support
- Multi-Terabyte Scalability

Operating Systems

- Linux: Oracle, RedHat, SuSE, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu
- Unix: Solaris, HP-UX, IBM-AIX
- BSD: FreeBSD
- Apple: Mac OS
- Windows: 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Windows 7

lexible Architecture

- Open Source
- Multi-threaded
- Merge
- Memory
- Archive
- Cluster
- Pluggable Storage-Engine Achitecture
- InnoDB

Graphical Tools

- MySQL Workbench
- Data Modeling
- Database Administration
- SQL Editor


- MySQL Native C Library
- MySQL Drivers for ODBC, JDBC, .Net, C, C++
- Community Drivers for PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby

ANSI SQL Standards

- User-Defined Functions
- Information Schema
- Unicode
- Referential Integrity
- SubQueries, Joins, Cursors
- Prepared Statements
- Views
- Triggers
- Stored Procedures
- Server-enforced Data Integrity

Replication & High-Availability

- Built-in Replication Engine
- Master/Slave
- Dual Master
- Replication Ring
- Replication Tree
- Row-based Replication
- Semi-synchronous Replication
- Cluster with real-time failover

MySQL Cluster

- 99.999% Availability
- Distributed architecture
- Synchronous replication
- Real-time transactional performance
- SQL & Non-SQL data access
- Java, C++, LDAP, HTTP

Storage Management

- Storage Administration
- Automatic Space Expansion
- Built-in Space Reclamation
- Auto Undo/Rollback Management
- Customizable Storage Assignments
- Compressed and Archive Tables
- Packed Index Storage
- Works with NAS or SAN storage


- SSL Support
- Built-in Data Encryption/Decryption
- Fine Grained Object Privileges
- View Support
- Triggers for auditing
- Query Logs for auditing


- Performance Schema
- Dynamic Memory Caches
- Unique Query Cache
- Multiple Index Type (B-tree, R-tree, Hash, etc.)
- Cost-based Optimizer
- High-speed Query Optimizer
- Diagnostics and SQL Tracing

Data Warehouse Optimized features

- Fast Data Load Utility
- High-Speed Multi-Insert Function
- Aggregate UDF
- Analytic SQL Functions
- Geospatial Support
- Multi-Terabyte Scalability

Partitioning (Table/Index)

- Range
- Hash
- List
- Key
- Composite

Manageability and Ease of Use

- Easy Install and Setup
- "15 minutes to Success"
- Information Schema
- Event Scheduler

MySQL Enterprise Monitor1

- MySQL Query Analyzer
- MySQL Enterprise Advisors
- MySQL Replication Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Advisors1

- Administraiton Advisor
- Security Advisor
- Replication Advisor
- Performance Advisor
- Memory Usage Advisor
- Schema Advisor
- Updgrade Advisor
- Custom Advisor

MySQL Enterprise Backup1

- Logical Hot-Backup
- Physical Hot-Backup
- Online Backup for InnoDB
- Compressed Backup
- Partial Backups
- Point in Time Recovery
- Auto-Restart/Recovery

Tags: MySQL, Technical, Specification, Workbench, Standards

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