Duration of flights from Dhaka, Bangladesh

Duration of flights from Dhaka, Bangladesh

The following is the approximate duration of flights from Dhaka, Bangladesh to different national and international destinations. Please note that the estimated flight duration is based on the flight schedules of airlines that operate within the region.

Dhaka to Karachi, Pakistan: 3 hours and 27 minutes

Dhaka to Chittagong, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 48 minutes

Dhaka to Sylhet, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 41 minute

Dhaka to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: 5 hours and 10 minute

Dhaka to Bahrain Island, Bahrain: 5 hours and 45 minutes

Dhaka to Bangkok, Thailand: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Dhaka to Chittagong, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 48 minutes

Dhaka to Colombo, Sri Lanka: 3 hours and 25 minutes

Dhaka to Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh: 1 hour and 0 minute

Dhaka to Dammam Saudi Arabia: 5 hours and 42 minutes

Dhaka to Doha, Qatar: 5 hours and 27 minutes

Dhaka to Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 5 hours and 6 minutes

Dhaka to Guangzhou, China: 3 hours and 20 minutes

Dhaka to Hong Kong: 3 hours and 45 minutes

Dhaka to Istanbul, Turkey: 8 hours and 35 minutes

Dhaka to Jeddah Saudi Arabia: 7 hours and 58 minutes

Dhaka to Jessore, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 40 minute

Dhaka to Karachi: 3 hours and 27 minutes

Dhaka to Kathmandu, Nepal: 1 hour and 42 minutes

Dhaka to Kolkata, India: 0 hour and 51 minute

Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 3 hours and 36 minutes

Dhaka to Kunming, China: 1 hour and 50 minutes

Dhaka to Kuwait: 5 hours and 40 minutes

Dhaka to London, UK: 10 hour and 40 minutes

Dhaka to Mumbai, India: 3 hours and 10 minute

Dhaka to Muscat, Oman: 4 hours and 55 minutes

Dhaka to New Delhi, India: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Dhaka to Paro, Bhutan: 1 hour and 0 minute

Dhaka to Rajshahi, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 40 minute

Dhaka to Ras Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates: 5 hours and 35 minutes

Dhaka to Riyadh Saudi Arabia: 5 hours and 57 minutes

Dhaka to Rome, Italy: 9 hours and 35 minutes

Dhaka to Saidpur, Bangladesh: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Dhaka to Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: 4 hours and 55 minutes

Dhaka to Singapore: 4 hours and 3 minutes

Dhaka to Sylhet, Bangladesh: 0 hour and 41 minutes

Tags: Duration, Ground Speed, Flight Time, Airport, Boeing, Airbus

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